The Marketing & Sales Processes: How Market And Sell Your Product, Service Or Solution

The Marketing & Sales Processes Infographic

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Approximate read time: 14 minutes

The fundamental parts of marketing and sales are quite simple.

In order to effectively, consistently and predictably market and sell products, services, or solutions, particular marketing and sales processes should be followed step-by-step.

I have outlined several critical marketing and sales processes to help you market and sell products, services, and solutions.

Here they are…

  • STEP 1: The Human Purchasing Process;
  • STEP 2: The Market Research Process;
  • STEP 3: The Brand Creation Process;
  • STEP 4: The Marketing & Sales Pipeline Process;
  • STEP 5: The Marketing & Sales Communication Process;
  • STEP 6: The Content Creation Process;
  • STEP 7: The Lead Generation Processes;
  • STEP 8: The B2B Lead Generation Process;
  • STEP 9: The Partner Recruitment Process;
  • STEP 10: The Partner Co-Enrolment Process;
  • STEP 11: The B2C Lead Generation Process;
  • STEP 12: The Search Engine Optimization Process;
  • STEP 13: The Positive Publicity Process;
  • STEP 14: The Social Media Marketing Process;
  • STEP 15: The Sales Script Process;
  • STEP 16: The Sales Negotiation Process;
  • STEP 17: The Marketing & Sales Engagement Process;
  • STEP 18: The Marketing & Sales Launch Process; and
  • STEP 19: The Promotional Partner Launch Process.

Let’s begin with…

1) The Human Purchasing Process

…This is about how to navigate hardwired buying psychology to inform your marketing and sales.

This process lays the foundation for all processes that follow and helps you understand your prospects and customers.

This leads us to The Market Research Process…

2) The Market Research Process

…Once you have a foundation for all processes that follow and understand your prospects and customers, you need to understand The Market Research Process.

This part is about how to discover what your market wants and needs and how to use those findings in your marketing and sales.

Understanding their personas helps you enter the conversation your prospects and customers are having in their own mind.

This leads us to The Brand Creation Process…

3) The Brand Creation Process

..Once you have an understanding of processes for marketing and sales communication, you need to understand the Brand Creation Process.

This part is about how to evaluate and create or recreate an unforgettable brand.

It lays out the specific process for brand creation.

This leads us to The Marketing & Sales Pipeline Process…

4) The Marketing & Sales Pipeline Process

…Once you have an understanding of the conversation your prospects and customers are having in their own mind, you need to understand The Marketing & Sales Pipeline.

This part is about how to use a marketing & sales pipeline to market and sell more products, services and solutions to prospects and customers.

It also lays the structure and sequence to the rest of the processes.

This leads us to The Marketing & Sales Communication Process…

5) The Marketing & Sales Communication Process

…Once you have an understanding of the structure and sequence to the rest of the processes, you need to understand The Marketing & Sales Communication Process.

This part is about how to communicate with your prospects and customers at the various steps in a marketing and sales pipeline.

It also lays out the processes for this method of communication.

This leads us to The Content Creation Process…

6) The Content Creation Process

…Once you have an understanding of the brand creation process, you need to understand The Content Creation Process.

This part is about how to create powerful lead generating and lead converting marketing and sales content and increase the number of prospects, AKA marketing and increase the number of customers, AKA sales, AKA prospect conversion.

It lays out the specific process of content creation.

This leads us to The Lead Generation Processes…

7-14) The Lead Generation Processes

…Once you have an understanding of the process of content creation, you need to understand The Lead Generation Processes.

This part is about how to generate leads and increase the number of prospects, AKA marketing.

It includes:

  1. The Digital Traffic Firehose Process;
  2. The B2B Lead Generation Process, AKA Cold Email;
  3. The Partner Recruitment Process, AKA Affiliates;
  4. The Partner Co-Enrolment Process;
  5. The B2C Lead Generation Process, AKA Advertising;
  6. The Search Engine Optimization Process;
  7. The Positive Publicity Process, AKA PR; and
  8. The Social Media Marketing Process.

It lays out the specific process for each of these methods for generating leads.

This leads us to The Sales Script Process…

15) The Sales Script Process

…Once you have an understanding of the process for generating leads, you need to understand The Sales Script Process.

This part is about how to write irresistible sales communication to sell your process, services and solutions and increase the number of customers, AKA sales, AKA prospect conversion, increase the value of customer transactions, AKA upselling, and increase the number of customer transactions, AKA retention.

It lays out the specific process for creating sales scripts and how to handle sales objections and why prospects don’t take action on offers.

This leads us to The Sales Negotiation Process…

16) The Sales Negotiation Process

…Once you have an understanding of sales, you need to understand The Sales Negotiation Process.

This part is about how to overcome common sales objections.

It lays out the specific process for addressing these concerns.

This leads us to The Marketing & Sales Engagement Process…

17) The Marketing & Sales Engagement Process

…Once you have an understanding of the process for creating sales scripts, you need to understand The Marketing & Sales Engagement Process.

This part is about how to engage your prospects and customers to be loyal and encourage others to buy.

It lays out the specific process for engaging your prospects and customers.

This leads us to The Marketing & Sales Launch Process…

18) The Marketing & Sales Launch Process

…Once you have an understanding of the process for engaging your prospects and customers, you need to understand Marketing & Sales Launch Process.

This part is about how to launch a new product, service or solution successfully with no resources as well as how to launch with partners the right way by tying together Parts 1 to 8.

It lays out the specific process for launching a new product, service or solution.

This leads us to The Promotional Partner Launch Process…

19) The Promotional Partner Launch Process

…Once you have an understanding of the Marketing & Sales launch process, you need to understand how to leverage partners in the process.

This part is about how to launch a product service or solution with partners.

It lays out the specific process for launching with partners.

That sums up all The Marketing & Sales Processes.

Take Action

You made it…

You now have a solid overview of several critical Marketing & Sales Processes to help you market and sell you product, service or solution.

That’s the full Marketing & Sales Processes, and it will be more than enough for you to get started on your own.

This guide is designed as a choose-your-own-adventure, where you pick-and-choose what you want to understand and improve on in your marketing and sales.

You don’t need to consume it all from start to finish, but I encourage you to do, as you’ll be in a better position to market and sell more products, services and solutions.

So let’s start with some questions to help you decided where to start…

Then explore the guides for each process.

These will be more than enough for you to get started on your own.

Do you have too many customers?

If you do not have too many customers, this guide will help you get into a position where you can say yes!


Answer the rest of the questions to find out…

If you do have too many customers, then this guide will help you get more revenue from them more often.


Again answer the rest of the questions to find out…

Do you understand your prospects and customers, AKA market research?

If your answer is no, then you need to learn about Market Research and Human Purchasing Psychology.

If your answer is yes, then continue with the rest of the questions.

Do you want to increase your number of prospects, AKA lead generation, AKA marketing?

If your answer is no, then you need to learn about Marketing & Sales Pipelines, Marketing & Sales Communication, Brand Creation, Marketing Content Creation, Internet Traffic Firehoses and Marketing Lead Generation through Cold Email, Advertising, Partner Recruitment, Partner Co-Enrolment, Publicity and Social Media and Sales Conversion.

If your answer is yes, then continue with the rest of the questions.

Do you want to increase your number of customers, AKA prospect conversion, AKA sales?

If your answer is no, then you need to learn about Marketing & Sales Pipelines, Marketing & Sales Communication, Brand Creation, Marketing Content Creation and Sales Conversion.

If your answer is yes, then continue with the rest of the questions.

Do you want to increase the value and number of customer transactions, AKA up selling, next selling, down selling and cross selling?

If your answer is no, then you need to learn about Marketing & Sales Pipelines, Marketing & Sales Communication, Brand Creation, Marketing Content Creation and Sales Conversion.

If your answer is yes, then continue with the rest of the questions.

Do you want to increase your engagement with prospects and customers, AKA retention and loyalty?

If your answer is no, then you need to learn about Marketing & Sales Pipelines, Marketing & Sales Communication, Brand Creation, Marketing Content Creation and Sales Conversion, Sales Objections and Promotional Partner Launches.

If your answer is yes, then continue with the rest of the questions.

Do you want to increase prospect and customer satisfaction, AKA customer service, recommendations and referrals?

If your answer is no, then you need to learn about Marketing & Sales Pipelines, Marketing & Sales Communication, Brand Creation, Marketing Content Creation and Sales Conversion.

If your answer is yes, then continue with the rest of the questions.

Do you want to increase the success of new product, service or solution launch, AKA combining it all?

If your answer is no, then you need to learn about Marketing & Sales Pipelines, Marketing & Sales Communication, Brand Creation, Marketing Content Creation and Sales Conversion.

If your answer is yes, then these guides may not be for you…

You can get the printed illustrated Process Map of this and 20 others for free, here

And if you’re serious about marketing and selling more, the logical next step is to contact me to help you do it yourself, have me do it with you, or have it all done for you.

This maybe the momentum you need to get great marketing and sales results.

Now let’s learn about The Human Purchasing Process.

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