How Not To Give A Fuck About What People Think Of You

Approximate read time: 2 minutes

It has taken me a long time to realize this, but it’s been truly life-changing.

Here it is: “You have zero right to tell others what to think about you.”

And if you think you do, you are self-indulgent.

Let me explain.

No one has the right to tell ME what to think.

I wouldn’t let someone come into my head and insert something I don’t want to be there.

I.e. via mind control.

That’s my domain – I get to choose what happens there.

The opposite is also true.

I have zero right to tell others what to think.

They wouldn’t let someone come into my head and insert something they don’t want to be there.

Technically you can’t do that anyway, so this is just moot.

Nor can you change someone’s mind by convincing.

When was the last time you did?


You didn’t change their mind.

They changed their mind.

Maybe you influenced them (go on try and prove that you did and how it is apportioned!) but still, they ultimately changed their mind.

So if you can’t change someone’s mind, they will think what they want to think.

And they will think what they want even, about you.

Good or bad.

And there is nothing you can do about it.

So don’t – you have zero right to tell others what to think about you.