Marketing Ideas – Episode 2: Irresistable offers

In this episode you’ll hear my thoughts on:

  • How to make sales easy for you;
  • How to overcome sales objections; and
  • How to make it easy for customer to buy.

So, listen in to hear me discuss these!


hello hello I just wanted to record a quick video around selling so a lot of people have big issues with selling and they find it hard to do or they find it sleazy or unethical or they just have really bad experiences with selling but also being sold to and I think a lot of it comes down to the way and what they’re selling for example I really think that if you said to someone and I’m only using currency here as an example I said look if you give me one dollar I will give you $100 back now I’m only using that example with currency just to represent value and kind of currency is just a representation of value so if someone was to give you one unit of value or one dollar and you were to give them a hundred or whatever ten units back that is such a great deal people would be insane not to take it now I do know there’s a caveat to that so one of the reasons why people would not take that deal is because these don’t trust you like for example if I went and said that to some random person at a bus stop hey if you give me a dollar I’ll give you ten dollars back they would think it’s a scam because it sounds too good to be true and obviously I would be an anonymous person they don’t know me they don’t like me and they don’t trust me so in that situation would be a really hard choice to make but let’s just say people knew me their life to me and they trusted me and I wasn’t some crackhead that was at bus stop offering them something that sounded too good to be true most people would take that deal and the reason is it’s a no-brainer is and is irresistible deal and I think a lot of people that have issues with selling is that they don’t have something that is equivalent to the example I just gave you there either asking for a dollar in giving a dollar back well they’re asking for a dollar and they’re giving less than the dollar back but if you were able to give that amount of value to someone that’s 10 X 1.1 X something is more than what they’re giving you sales becomes really really easy and you can apply that to anything you’re selling not just a monetary transaction because let’s face it if you’re selling it’s not just products services or solutions if you are interacting with another human and you’re trying to get them to do something call persuade them to do something called influence them to do some ik you are in sales mode no matter what you are doing if you’re interacting with another human and you want them to do something you’re in selling mode so if you can offer something that is way more just incrementally more than what they are giving you in exchange for that whether it’s time whether it’s money whether it’s effort and so on selling becomes so easy and the choice to buy from you is also really easy and people will not feel like they’re being hard salt nor will they feel like they’re being pressured or you are doing it in a sleazy and unethical way so I think the point of this video is that I really wanted to think about in any exchange you’re having with someone else what can you give them that is so much more valuable than what you’re asking in return and literally selves become so easy and all of their objections seem to melt away good luck