Here are five ways to create a valuable or scarce product, service or solution:
- Four Actions Framework;
- Related Worlds;
- Doblin Ten Types Of Innovation; and
- Buyer Utility.
Let’s explore…
SCAMPER is an acronym for:
- (S)ubstitute;
- (C)ombine;
- (A)dapt;
- (M)odify;
- (P)ut to another use;
- (E)liminate; and
- (R)everse.
You can use any number of those to change an existing product, service or solution into something new or novel.
Four Actions Framework
Four Actions Framework outlines four tasks:
- Elimination;
- Reduction;
- Raising; and
- Creation.
These can take an existing product, service or solution and create a new one.
It is related to SCAMPER.
Related Worlds
Related Worlds is a tool that makes you look a two different industries (or “worlds”) and see what one does well that can be used in your industries product, service or solution.
Doblin Ten Types Of Innovation
Doblin’s Ten Types Of Innovation outlines ten parts of a customer journey.
Each of these parts can be the focus of a new way to do that function for a customer.
Buyer Utility
Buyer Utility looks at six parts of a customer journey and asks you to focus on how you could improve each of those based on another six utility levers.
It is related to Doblin’s Ten Types Of Innovation.
Now you know five ways to create a valuable or scarce product, service or solution, [content_upgrade id=5101]learn how to create a value based product, service or solution here.[/content_upgrade]