Fat To Flat App

You are still stuck.  I know your story.  Sure, everyone’s situation is different, but the results are usually the same…  I’ve got a quick question for you:

“Do you want your abs to be ripped all year round?”

Come on, you know you want to look like an Abercrombie and Finch underwear model where you are also super strong.  So why hasn’t it happened for you yet?  Come on, admit it – this isn’t the first time you have been looking for that Hollywood Fight Club look, is it?  When is it your turn?  Well, you are going to discover and I’m going to show you how you get and stay super lean and muscular by consuming chips and chocolate and cheese while skipping sit-ups and sprints…

“Hey twiggy, why don’t you eat some food.”

If you knew how much food I ate when I was a kid, you’d think this type of bully comment was preposterous.  Yes, I was rake thin and yes, I ate a lot of food.  I never could put on weight and be at a healthy BMI.  For much of my life I had been around 67 kilograms (kg) and about 11% body fat (bf).  A classic skinny/fat ectomorph, both skinny and fat at the same time. A hard gainer.  Fast metabolism and a small frame.  And ever since I can remember I have been lanky.  I even recall one time in grade 4: At recess I was so hungry that I got a stomach-ache so bad I could hardly stand up (bear in mind I had already eaten a big breakfast that day.)  Fast-forward many years and I was in Las Vegas for a work conference in 2014.  The entourage went to the hotel pool.  I took of my shirt to go swimming and realised how much I didn’t like the way I looked.  Lanky is synonymous with not being very athletic.  The thing is, I’ve played ice hockey for the last 25 years and wanted to be stronger, faster with a lot more stamina, especially as I’ve got “older.”


A few years ago I was probably just like you…  I’m sure you have heard of “bro science”?  Bro science is fitness knowledge passed off as fact with little or no real world first-person experience to substantiate conclusions.  Bro science, spread by “bros” in the gym.  Here is some typical bro science that you may think that you need to do:

  • Consume a meal every three hours on the dot;
  • Consume a meal before you exercise;
  • Consume a meal within an hour of your workout;
  • Consume six meals a day;
  • Consume a protein shake after workouts;
  • Consume a “clean” diet of chicken and broccoli;
  • Consume a calories surplus;
  • Exercise six days a week;
  • Etc.  Ad nausea.

I have a confession to make…The problem I had was I used to believe in it.  Maybe you do still?  Well, I tried all the typical bro science.  At the end of 2015, I was 80kg on the dot at about 15% body fat.  In other words, I went from border-line under-weight to border-line over-weight on the BMI index.  But the difference comes from just over 10kg in weigh change.  And for visuals that’s 20 packets of mince beef from the supermarket.


Sure, I put on weight, but I gained body fat as well as muscle.  The bro science approach didn’t really work all that well.  In my experience, bro science is mostly nonsense, especially for having abs ripped all year round.  And that’s when I got a big “Ah Ha” moment.  The real problem is that it’s not based on much science at all.  I decided to try something different: to go from fat to flat – increasing muscle mass, burn fat by consuming chips, chocolate and cheese while skipping sit-ups and sprints.  On New Year’s Eve 2015, I decided to ignore common fitness “wisdom” and try some new things.  So, I read as much as I could from scientific journals to put the pieces together.  And guess what?  This time it worked! That’s when I realised the reasons why I hadn’t been successful before.  I discovered the “big lie” and realised that the lack of results before certainly wasn’t my fault and it’s not your fault either.  The real problem for me was a case of “blind leading the blind.”  Or “bros” leading the “bros.”  No wonder I was struggling!  My guess is that this is also what is keeping you from having abs ripped all year round.  So what was the lesson for me out of this?  Just because I assume something is true, doesn’t actually make it true.  So test assumptions – not just in fitness but everything in life…  As Venture Capitalist Marc Andreessen said, have “strong opinions, loosely held.”  But don’t think that you can do it on own.  I’ll show you how I did it.  You can look over my shoulder, so to speak.  It’s hard to believe, but I’ll show you how easy it is.  Let’s go over it – here is what I do:

  • Consume all my calories in a five to eight hour window each day;
  • Consume meals when I’m hungry;
  • Consume only one to two meals a day;
  • Consume no liquid meals (protein shakes are out);
  • Consume a moderate amount of junk food;
  • Consume a calorie deficit;
  • Consume no food before exercise; and
  • Exercise two days a week.

I.e. the opposite of “bro science.”  I also don’t consume a low fat or low carbohydrate diet – your body needs body fats and carbohydrates as these two macronutrients affect certain critical hormones.  Yes, I ate chips, chocolate and cheese each day as long as I followed those rules.  Does it work?  Here is what happened to my measurements when I dropped all the bro science nonsense:

  • Body Mass: down 14kg (8kg of those in the first three months);
  • Body Fat: down 6.53%;
  • Waist: down 12cm;
  • Bench Press: up 20kg;
  • Push Press: up 28.5kg;
  • Weighted Pull ups: up 9.5kg; and
  • Deadlift: up 42.5kg.

Obviously, after six months, my measurements were going in the right directions… Body mass and waist went down and all my lifts went up.  I feel like a warrior at ice hockey now – faster & stronger than ever.  In fact, my absolute strength is the best it has ever been and by default, my relative strength is also the highest it has ever been.  But pictures tell 1,000 words, right?!


Look at those ab veins!  I distinctly recall six individual people commenting on my progress without any prompts from me (by the way, these comments actually sound ridiculous to me given how hard this journey had been previously.)  I didn’t realise when I started that, not only does this style of fitness produce incredible strength and a great aesthetic, but I also experienced the following:

  • Increase in concentration;
  • Increase in energy;
  • Increase in positive mood;
  • Increase in testosterone; and
  • Increase in confidence.

Science has also found that this style of fitness is correlated to the following:

  • Increase in life expectancy of between 20-30%;
  • Increase in insulin sensitivity;
  • Decrease in cancer risk;
  • Decrease in diabetes risk;
  • Decrease in heart disease risk;
  • Decrease in obesity;
  • Decrease in blood sugar levels;
  • Decrease in blood pressure; and
  • Many, many more…

After such success, I distilled everything I learned into a formulaic system.  And decided to create this guide called Fat To Flat.  The creation of Fat To Flat was particularly hard – from creating the calculations, to creating the sequence, to creating the method.  Not only that, it took me what I estimate to be 10 years of trial and error to find the knowledge needed to put into it.  Now I have it, it makes getting lean and strong so easy.  Yes, I still use the principles in this guide daily, even though I am where I want to be.  What used to take me hours of effort in the gym and the kitchen is reduced.  My old solution was to cobble together a bunch of smartphone software tools such as Evernote and Google Sheets, my phone’s stopwatch, audio player, and camera to get me through.  It was much like Frankenstein – it was all over the place, hard to keep track of and just a lot of work documenting, calculating and switching between apps.  No more spreadsheets.  No more calculating. No more sprawling file folders, etc.  Now, while it would be impossible to show you ALL of the benefits the Fat to Flat web and mobile app,  I want to show you some of the things that you’ll experience as soon as you’re on the inside.  Here is what the app does and how it can help you:

  1. Automatically tells you to cut or bulk depending on your body fat percentage to look the best in the least possible time and effort;
  2. Automatically tells you how many calories to eat each day based on your goal of cut or bulk;
  3. Automatically tells you how many calories to eat each meal based on your goal of cut or bulk;
  4. Automatically tells you how many grams of protein to eat per meal based on your goal of cut or bulk;
  5. Automatically tells you how many grams of carbohydrates to eat per meal based on your goal of cut or bulk;
  6. Automatically tells you how many grams of fat to eat per meal based on your goal of cut or bulk;
  7. Automatically tells you the type of workout you should being doing each day;
  8. Automatically tells you the variation of workout you should being doing each day;
  9. Automatically tells you the time of day you should workout;
  10. Automatically tells you the time of day to eat your first meal;
  11. Automatically tells you the time of day to start eating your last meal;
  12. Automatically tells you the weight to lift on each workout day;
  13. Automatically tells you the number of repetitions to lift on each workout day;
  14. Automatically tells you the number of sets to lift on each workout day;
  15. Automatically tells you the time required each workout; and
  16. Automatically tells you the time of rest required between each set.

What all of this means is:

“You never need to do any tedious research or calculations again.”

Not only that, but the app also does the following:

  1. Allows you to track your body weight each day;
  2. Allows you to track your Body Mass Index each day;
  3. Allows you to track your body fat percentage each day;
  4. Allows you to track your body fat in kilograms each day;
  5. Allows you to track your lean mass in kilograms each day;
  6. Allows you to track your exercises each workout day;
  7. Allows you to track the weights you lifted each workout day;
  8. Allows you to track the number of repetitions you lifted each workout day;
  9. Allows you to track the number of sets you lifted each workout day;
  10. Keeps a downloadable archive of your historical lifts: repetitions, sets, exercise and dates; and
  11. Keeps a downloadable archive of your historical body measurements: body weight, skin folds, waist, BMI, body fat %, body fat in kilograms, and lean mass in kilograms.

Again, what all of this means is:

“You never need to do any tedious research or calculations again.”

Further, the app also does the following:

  1. Allows you to upload private progress photos each day;
  2. Keeps a downloadable archive of your historical progress photos, before and after photos and comparison photos;
  3. Allows you to compare private progress photos by date; and
  4. Allows you to create before and after progress photographs; and
  5. Allows you to share before and after progress photographs to social media.

What all of this means is:

“You never need to do any photograph cropping or trawl through photograph folders again and you have easier sharing and accountability for your fitness.”

So, here is how the app works and what you do with it:

  1. Create an account and login;
  2. Record your starting measurements in the app;
  3. Choose your lifestyle preferences in the app;
  4. View your daily plan in the app;
  5. Record your daily measurements in the app;
  6. Begin a workout using the app guidelines;
  7. Record your workout in the app; and
  8. Repeat each week.

Would you like to get access to this?  I am offering 50x monthly passes to Fat To Flat web and mobile app (Android only or iOS web app version you can access on your iPhone’s browser.)  Not only that but you will also get the bonus Fat To Flat written guide absolutely free.  The total value of all of this is $497. Let me ask you some questions… “If all of these I mentioned helped you get the body you want, would it be worth that price?”  “If all this did was let you drop the kilos, would it be worth it?”  I’m not going to charge you $97.  Actually I’m only going to charge you $5.22 per week (billed monthly at $22.62/month, with your first week FREE), because I want you to succeed.  For the cost of one weekly coffee, you can get access to everything inside of Fat to Flat.  Even at $5.22 per week, you may be nervous because there are a lot of scam artists out there.  I’m going to put all the risk on me and give you my crazy 100% money back guaranteed, to make sure you are successful and take the leap of faith with me.  I’m going to take on all the risk, and give you my 1 week free guarantee and a money back guarantee.  If you are not happy for any reason at all, simply email me and I’ll refund you money in full.  But you have to act now, I’m only doing this for the first 50 signups to manage bugs and when these 50x monthly passes are gone, they are gone.  Just imagine what life will be like when you get the body with abs you want…

So click here right now, and you’ll be taken to a secure order form.

For those of you who are already keen jump into this app head first, get started without delay.  What will happen next, is you will be directed to PayPal to purchase.  After you put in your credit card information, you will be redirected to set up an account and fill out your starting information.  From there you will be taken to a secure members’ area where you can access the app, even on your smart phone.  Once your account is setup you can begin the workout and nutritional program straight away.  5 clicks form now will be on way to success.

And for those of you who are sitting on the fence, let me say this – is not about me or my success.  I don’t care if you use this app or not.  It doesn’t make a difference to my life, but tomorrow you will still be in same situation with the body you are not happy with.  This is about you and your results.  This offer won’t be up forever, I have a lot of other things to do.  You see…it doesn’t matter to me if you sign up right now or not.  I’ll still be going about my daily routine, eating chips, chocolate and cheese, hitting my fitness goals with absolute certainty, whether you join in.  However, without help from this app, you’ll ALWAYS be working harder than you really need to.  I know it sounds kind of harsh, but I think you’ll agree that it’s true.  Remember, you get access to the Fat to Flat web and mobile app (Android only or iOS web app version you can access on your iPhone’s browser) for $5.22 per week (billed monthly at $22.62/month, with your first week free).  Get started today and I’ll see you in the members area.