“How 5 Entrepreneurs Launched Wildly Successful Products & Services!”

I have released dozens-and-dozens of new products, services or solutions for myself and on behalf of others over the last 24 years.

And I’ve directly helped 1,000+ startups (of those which have raised capital, their current combined company valuations are $5.5M) get their products, services or solutions out to market through various award-winning training programs.

How did this happen?

The answer is marketing launches.

And over the years, I have wanted to get better at launches, so I tracked down others who also have done successful ones.

That resulted in me Interviewing 5 entrepreneurs over 4.5 hours on:

  • “How To Make A Popular Viral Marketing Video Campaign With 100,000 Views In 72…”
  • “How To Create A $3,000,000 A Year User Community Driven Business In 12 Months Using A Simple 3 Phase Process…”
  • “How To Build And Market A #1 Featured iTunes Mobile App, Get 1,000,000+ Downloads And 10,000,000+ Plays In 2.5 Years…”
  • “How To Design A Physical Product & Raise $300,000 In Capital On Kickstarter In 45 Days…”
  • “How To Write And Launch An International Best Selling Book By Pre-Selling 5,000 Copies in 4 Months

These audio interviews will show you how to launch a successful product, service or solution without spending money on marketing, without a prospect or customer list AND in some cases, without even a product, service or solution.

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