Publicity Case Study – News Jacking #2

Approximate read time: 3 minutes

One of the main complaints I have heard over the past 4 years as a startup community leader in Adelaide is that “there is no money in Adelaide.”

I’m certainly not the only one who has heard that either.

Based on that notion, I did some primary survey research into venture capital in Adelaide particularly at the Angel and Seed stage for tech (web & mobile etc) startups to answer that question.

Although this research was not done under the mandate of Startup Adelaide Inc, my involvement as a director in that, as well as, being a co-founder of Startup Weekend Adelaide, Startup Daily’s “Top 50 Australian Startup Influencers,” etc provides credibility.

What I found was:

  1. Adelaide based startups are seeking (on average) $280,000 in exchange for (on average) 16% of the company, to be valued at (on average) $1,750,000;
  2. Investors have given (on average) $319,167 in exchange for (on average) 19% of the company, to be valued at (on average) $1,602,778;
  3. The difference between expected company valuations was (on average) $147,222 lower that founders expectations;
  4. The difference between equity received and offered was (on average) 3% higher than founders expectations;
  5. The difference between capital received and sought was (on average)$39,167 higher than founders expectations; and
  6. The biggest hurdle for startups raising capital is finding investors.

A few days later on 7 December 2015, The Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull recently announced his National Innovation and Science Agenda.

This announcement was well timed for a potential release of this research data to niche media outlets to provide extra commentary related to their audience, particularly, associated early stage investors in start-up businesses get non-refundable tax offset and a capital gains tax exemption etc.

Unless you are consistently doing new things, organic publicity opportunities for your brand dry up quickly.

However the 24-7 nature of news means news trends give you a consistent way to pitch and show up in outlets week-in-week-out.

How can you attach or relate your brand’s message to a current trend and create a specific news angle like this example?

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And if you’re serious about marketing and selling more, the logical next step is to contact me to help you do it yourself, have me do it with you, or have it all done for you.

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