Proviso BankStatements ProvCon 2017 – Personal Branding

  • Why personal brands are important to you and your career
  • Theory on brands, perceptions and relationships
  • How to Evaluate, Elect and Embody a personal brand
  • Provide next actions once the session is over today

A Brand is… “The real-time, sum total experience, idea or concept of you inside the minds of others”

Positioning is… “Influencing the perception, idea or concept of you so it has a certain

position or attribute in the mind of others.”

STEP 1: How To Evaluate Your Current And Intended Personal Brand

STEP 2: How To Elect Your Intended Personal Brand

STEP 3: How To Embody Your Personal Brand

Take Action Step 1:

  1. What are the important attributes for the career you want?
  2. What are you current attributes?
  3. Create a Blue Ocean Graph for you and your peers.

Take Action Step 2:

  • Pick a position no one else owns, does well or you can do really well.

Take Action Step 3:

  1. What touch point do people have with you?
  2. Determine how your position will be congruent at each of these?
  3. Determine how your position will be consistent at each of these?
  4. How will you give “deposits”?
  5. How will you take “withdrawals”?
  6. What publicity or pre-framing tools will you use?
  7. What publicity or pre-framing channels will you use?
  8. How will you maintain your position?

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