Marketing Ideas – Episode 15: How to follow-up with prospects without being annoying

In this episode you’ll hear my thoughts on:

  • How most brands get follow-up wrong;
  • How to leverage what works with publicity and product launches;
  • What you should be doing when you follow-up with prospects; and
  • What to do after your follow-up fails.

So, listen here as I discuss these!


Hello hello this is Orren Prunckun and today I want to talk about following up so back last week I got a question from someone about how do you actually go about following up with a prospect that you’ve been in contact with and this is particularly around someone that you have already delivered a proposal to you and the person that had been speaking to you said you know we’ve delivered a proposal to a prospect and then we’ve heard nothing so what we do is go about following up with them by saying like hey hey did you get my proposal they’re not hearing anything and replying and saying hey is there anything else you need and then this process goes on and it’s like a one-way follow-up conversation where they’re not hearing anything back from the prospect so that’s really interesting and there’s quite a few ways you can go about doing this and I’m only really catching this this response in terms of a proposal rather than you know more of a commodity we priced based product that doesn’t have any quoting or anything like that but it still applies to that as well so instead of just going out and saying hey hey hey have you a time had time to consider what I’ve said through what you can do is and I learnt this from all my days in publicity and now look I have gone out over the years and I calculated that it’s probably come to over a million dollars’ worth of free advertising from getting placements within the news media and one of the most effective things that I learned through all that time was after sending a press release and now the caveat to that is I don’t always think a press release is the best idea but just pretend it is and after you’ve sent a press release and you’ve heard nothing what you do is you strategically leave out some information from that such as a quote or a photo opportunity or a different angle so you’ve really got three different things that you can now follow up with a new Slayer outlet with saying that I’ve got a new photo angle I saw a new angle I’ve got a new photo opportunity and a new person that you can add as a quote add to this original story IQs three opportunities to follow up with them so the same strategy applies following up with someone that has created sorry that you have quoted on for a proposal it strategically leave out some of the offer to them from the original proposal and that gives you the opportunity to then go out and then strategically every week or so whenever you want to follow up to say hey look I’ve got this extra thing that we can add to the service and otherwise our bonus and speaking of bonus is the same thing the same principle applies for all the launches that I have done you launch a product but then when you want to follow up in the launch sequence you have some other reasons just by like by my thing and because they’re ready know what you are offering people aren’t that dumb they already know what you’re offering and whatever you’re offering is not that compelling same with publicity same with proposals that you’ve created you just need to add something else to push the mocha liner usually is a bonus you have to stack that value in the original offer because the original offer that you gave them just isn’t that compelling you have to make this new offer way more compelling so that’s the way you do it is you strategically offer more and more value as the follow-up hey we’ve got this new thing that will help what our original offer was providing you they don’t reply to that’s keep stacking the offer as you’d go and go so that’s one of the really easy ways to fart and even if n if they aren’t responding to your offer it means the offers not great and they’re not interested what do you do then you go back to them and you say look it sounds like you don’t have a need or you don’t have the authority to buy all the timing is not right you just don’t have the budget it’s a classic BANT style sales and then re-qualified and say hey this is probably not for you we do have a different product or service stream that may solve the need that we missed and then re-qualify them and back at the sales process on a different need stream all together so hopefully this is useful you’re probably going to be coming up against buying concerns throughout whatever you do with your marketing and sales so I want you to go try this out next time you’re trying to follow up and see what happens let me know because I’d love to hear from you thanks for listening.