Life As A Well

Let’s pretend that life is like an unexplored well.

All wells have an opening at the top and a hard bottom.

As this is an unexplored well, its depth is unknown.

But we are certain that there is a bottom as all wells have a bottom.

Life starts when you are born, and by analogy at the top of the well.

Right after you are born you fall into the well and “start life.”

As life goes on, or more accurately, as every moment in time passes, that experience is known and certain.

It’s the light at the top of the well.

Then you fall into the well and start a constant forward spin.

This means you look toward the bottom of the well, that is dark, unknown and uncertain

That is the future.

Then you come out of the spin and look back up light, things are known and certain again.

This is because it’s in the past; you have experienced it and know what it was like.

And you oscillate between both past and future until you die.

That is life.

Yet some people get out of the constant forward spin and look back at the top of the well.

Then you die, when you hit the hard bottom of the well.

Don’t live life based on the past.