Observing From Afar: How To Now Pick A Marketer

How not to pick marketing and sales help through the fishbowl

I see this all the time, someone posts on social media that they are looking for help with their marketing and sales.

Then a whole bunch of marketers reply saying they can help.

They see “easy” prey.

But what they don’t realize is their rookie marketing and sales mistake, this shows how little they understand about value propositions, branding, positioning, product differentiation and most importantly lead generation (such as cold, inbound, referral).

How Meta.

The request for help could be seen as cold marketing, but they approached cold selling the wrong way.

I actually wrote in depth of how to do cold marketing the right way (hint, it doesn’t look anything like what they did or has any selling) here.

Research says that 93% of communication is non -verbal.

Understand this: your actions say a lot about you, whether you like it or not.

When you claim to be at marketing, but the way you market yourself is incongruent (aka shit), the potential clients you are approaching can see this and project that the way you marketed yourself to them was poor and that is exactly how you will help market them (poorly).

Are you congruent?

Psychology says it’s very difficult to see yourself and your actions objectively with up emotional filters (aka bias).

I bet what you are doing in your business is incongruent with the image/brand you protect and the brand perfection you want and deserve.

You need to audit yourself frequently, so you know you’re not drinking your own cool-aid.

And certainly, hope you don’t pick your marketing and sales help based on marketers responding to you all in the same fashion saying they can help you.

If you need help with your believability in your marketing and sales, then get in contact with me here.