Marketing Ideas – Episode 14: Make sure you understand the different buying concerns prospects have

In this episode you’ll hear my thoughts on:

  • Why people don’t buy from you;
  • What the most common busying concerns are; and
  • How to address one of the most important buying concerns.

So, listen here as I discuss these!


Hello hello it’s Orren Prunckun and today I want to talk about objections and concerns when you’re selling so this book I really want to buy and it comes up to about 50 bucks so it’s not an impulse buy and it’s not too expensive so I kind of sits in that middle ground and it look I know I need the book ah I have the budget for it you know the timings right I can actually pay for it it’s just not in that sweet spot of being an impulse buyer where I will just drop money without thinking on it thinking of it so there’s some other buying objections that come up and the first one is look I know this book does what it says it says it does I know it’s going to give me what I want not only that I know that because it’s got tons of testimonials I just believe the author is going to deliver on their promise I know when I get it I know you know I can go through and read it and it will do the things that I want and there’s no external factors that I like stopping me from going out and reading the book and consuming it or anything like that the one buying concern that I do have and the one that is stopping me from making this purchase is I don’t know if the the book then what’s contained in the book is right for me now I did say before that I know the book works in general the author delivers on their promise and I’m convinced of that and I think for most businesses and most products and services that’s the bare minimum whatever you’re promising then your private service does it should actually deliver on that so that’s kind of a bare minimum in a given but this author’s going out of the way to give like tons and tons of evidence to show that it does so I’m willing to convince him of that the thing that I fall down on and think that I think a lot of a lot of our founders and entrepreneurs and small business owners fall down on is the convincing someone that work for them and that’s the dilemma I’m facing right now what I mean by will it work for them is they haven’t demonstrated that someone like me so for example like me in this situation where I’m at in life for example that’s someone similar to them someone to me in my circumstance we’ll get the requisite value out of it can you see the difference between that and they’re actually working so the product you know what works it delivers on its promise but you know for example I may be too advanced or – I’m too early on in my in the stage for it to actually apply to me so what this author should be doing is saying you know Oren someone that’s like you and then listening off all of those all of those demographic all of those geographic psychographic behavioural different characteristics of someone exactly like me they listed all those as someone in that same position as you will get the same value out of it I would not hesitate and I would start buying it that’s the only concern I have so the takeaway from this is I really want you to think about how you can demonstrate to someone that’s got you know a potential buying concern and how you can show them that’s someone within their situation their exact situation not just in general learners in general that the product works but someone in their exact situation by literally listing it out and this is where case studies come in that it will apply to them that is what’s going to get you over that next buying concern is if you can demonstrate that and I really think a case study that outlines specifically who that person is and how it could apply to them specifically not just in general you’ll blow through most buying concerns so I hope that’s useful to you love you go try it out see what happens and then let me know I’m how you going thanks for listening.