Marketing Ideas – Episode 18: How to determine when to tell your marketing message

In this episode you’ll hear my thoughts on:

  • Why context matters when communicating; and
  • Why you need to have multiple marketing messages.

So, listen here as I discuss these!


Hello hello it’s Orren Prunckun and I want you to pretend I went up to someone I didn’t know and I said to them will you marry me most likely scenarios are going to punch me in the face and tell me to get away from them because I’m not free alright but let’s pretend I said the same marketing message in a very very different time they knew me their life to me they trust me and they even loved me that’s not the same thing the answers can be very very different right so I get this question all the time when should I tell my marketing message now the truth is you should be telling a marketing message at several different times now the thing is you have multiple marketing messages and I’ve gone through that on this podcast before you’ve got multiple marketing messages that need to happen at various different times now let’s say someone doesn’t know me the marketing message I’m gonna give them to make them become aware or conscious of the problem they have and the problem and that I am a brand that can solve that for them it’s going to be very different marketing message at a very different time than someone that I’m going to be pitching a expensive product to the timing around when I pitch an expensive product to them is going to be far later in that prospects journey so the marketing messages that you have need to align at certain waypoints along that prospect journey you know firstly to make them aware of you once they’re aware of you and they know you get them to likely there’s a certain marketing message that’s going to happen there then once they’re likely there’s gonna be certain marketing message that happens that I’m to get them to trust you and once they trust you again there’s gonna be a certain marketing message for them to go and start loving you and so on and so forth so to recap like I’ve said again on this podcast is that you’ve got multiple marketing messages you’ve got multiple timings of those marketing messages and all you have to do from there is when work out what channel you’re going to be using to deliver those marketing messages or marketing messages at the specific times that are relevant that’s not going to get you quote-unquote punched in the face for doing it in the wrong order or at the wrong time so what I want you to do is think about how this may apply to what you’re doing go try it out and see what happens and see how what your results are and see how that may be different from when you have been currently delivering your marketing messages and then report back to me and let me know because I’d love to know how this improves for you at your brand thanks for listening.