Orren Prunckun’s Marketing & Sales Q&A – Episode 1: Where and how to market and sell

In this episode you’ll hear me a question about where and how to market and sell.

So, listen here as I discuss this!

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Hi Orren its Christine here so my question is a brand new service a niche product or service that nobody else is doing so nobody knows about it therefore they don’t know to look for it Google search or whatever where and how is the best way to market that kind of service in the most financially efficient way?


Ask this question starting with the how and then go to the where so with the hell what you really want to do is be able to reveal to someone that they actually have a problem and that problem is worth solving but the thing is obviously that I’m aware I don’t know what their problem is so I’ll give you analogy so let’s just pretend this person they’re walking around in a really fancy suit and we’re just going to the toilet and they’ve got this really long sheet of toilet paper hanging off the back of their shoe now they’re trying to combine dollars you know they’re walking around try and look really good but everyone else can see they’ve got this group of I’m toilet paper CVS hanging behind them and they can’t see it now obviously they’re unaware I’ve had to have a problem so what any decent and client person would do would be got to the mist hey hey look you’ve got this bit of toilet paper behind you and at that moment that person has had that problem revealed to them they didn’t realize that they had a problem and they’ve been it’s been revealed to them so now their problem aware and now they’re also aware of you and hopefully because you did in a really nice way they also lucky so they’ve gone from not knowing you to knowing you and liking you all in one fell swoop and you can see this in moving different scenarios you know someone’s drinking alcohol and you know they’ve been told that you know a couple drinks a night is healthy for you but she’s you know some for example soon your research may have come out to say that anything over one drink night is unhealthy and they thought they were doing the right thing but now it turns out that they’re not or you know there are a couple kilos overweight and it’s still within the BMI index but you know their weight is still an issue but they think because they’re in the BMI Oh index is fine so really what you have to do is make them known of what Norman – the problem that’s happening the other thing that comes to mind is the specialist asbestos used to be great everyone you saw roll around in it and then you know people started dying and they said asbestos is not so good for people anymore so ah on that making people aware there’s two think with the Johari Window in that Johari Window is kind of like the invest analogy I can give you verbally is picture a pie chart and the pie chart is divided into three slivers and two of those slivers a really, really tiny and one of those slivers is really big and a slew but that’s really, really big let’s just say it takes up like 98 percent of the pie chart that’s all the things we don’t know that we don’t know and then the other two slivers are less to say for example one percent each so one of those one percent so all the things that we know we know and I know I know how to talk and speak in the English language I know how to cook I know that I know how to change my sheets for example now the remaining 1% is what we know we don’t know so I know that I don’t know how to speak Mandarin Chinese right and what you’re trying to do as a business owner is move all of the information that person doesn’t know they don’t know so the person in the suit with the toilet paper moving all of that information into one of those other categories so you’re moving some of the stuff that’s in the ninety-eight percent into one percent of what they know they now know and one of the best ways to do that is to tell a story it’s kind of like a Trojan horse like no one when they’re a kid likes their parent going up to them as saying you shouldn’t do this but if the parent says or explains a story about something happen to them or happen to a friend of theirs all of a sudden you’re not getting told what to do and the lesson gets instilled in them the other way especially through it like you know the example I gave you of asbestosis you know research is really powerful but the thing is when you’re doing this stuff so we’re kind of in that how section already when you’re doing this stuff you don’t have a ton of time because this person doesn’t know you and they don’t like you and it’s the equivalent of going up to someone on the screen saying hey can I just talk to you for like an hour everyone’s just gonna look at you and say you know get away from me you freak but if you go up to the boat I just really want to opinion and I’m gonna take 15 or 30 seconds of your time most humans most decent people go yeah hey no worries it’s fine so however you’re getting this story or this research for this mechanism to reveal a secret to this person blind spot it’s got to be really, really short because people just don’t have time and the cause I don’t have time and in combination that they didn’t like it yet because they don’t know you you’ve really got to get it out quickly once you’ve revealed whatever that blind spot is and you’ve helped them out they’re obviously going to be grateful for you because you’re the equivalent of the person that’s told them to get the toilet but off their shoe so you’ve gone you know kind of a lot of the steps way through you know overcoming some of the objections are selling the last one you’ve got really overcome is them trusting you and depending on how you reverse agree you may get that trust but you probably won’t so don’t make the mistake of going in and trying to sell at this stage because there’s probably don’t trust you yeah and obviously Trust is built by making a promise and keeping your promise and then doing that over and over again and demonstrating over time that you’re a trustworthy provider so don’t form this is a mistake like selling of them there just make them aware that they have a problem now that they are aware that they have a problem the next logical thing for them is to say well now I don’t have a problem what solutions are out there and that’s where you come in to put some trust around yeah there are solutions we happen to be one of those but there are all these other different types and you put a bit of trust and then when they’re at the point of saying hey there are all these solutions now I know what they are your product is one of those and then they can go into potentially choosing your Proctor and becoming product aware and then going on to be most aware with the comments like a customer so let’s move on to where you actually go do that so you we’ve got markets and market sizes so it’s like seven point whatever billion people on the planet and not everyone is your customer so you your total addressable market is never seven billion you have to go to the next Iran with market size underneath that so you’re addressable serviceable addressable market see Sam so it’s all the people that may have that problem and it’s not seven billion and depending on what price of selling or service you’re selling there’s going to be a fraction of that seven billion humans that just would never have the problem even if they’re unaware and that they’ve got a problem for your product so you’ve got to go down to the next rung of all the people that potentially could use your product if they became aware they had a problem and they’re people that you should be targeting it should be your target market because they don’t know you yet so then it comes to the question of where those people are and don’t necessarily form into the mistake thinking it has to be online those people are everywhere online is just one channel so absolutely could be offline that could be found offline but you really got to think about where that set of people congregate and usually the channels are going to find them through either paid or earn media not buying media if you’ve got own media they already know you they already like you they’re in contact with you and can find you so it’s really about paid what paid channels and what own channels you can use so those paid channels are really going out to interrupt people in their day to day life and that’s what you’re really doing when you’re going up to the person with the hypothetical bit of toilet paper hanging out there sure is you’re going on to step interrupts them so paid media is probably gonna be one of the really good channels that you need to look at and same with your owned media they’re going through and reading a blog or reading a newspaper or whatever and your information comes up and it’s an interrupt because they’re not actually gone about looking for that information use they don’t problem or we’re so hopefully that answers your question or at least gives you some clues of how you can tackle the where and the how of making people unaware of a problem aware of a problem but also aware of you so you can take them down and that customer journey to help them out.